Friday, July 25, 2014

Vermont Route 14 Asphalt Reclaimation Road Project



The state of Vermont did their first trial with FORTA-FI® in 2013.  VT 14 was selected as it had a tremendous amount of rutting and reflective cracking.  Limited funds made it not possible to do full depth reclamation, therefore VTrans was looking to extend the life of the overlay.  The road was leveled with a 5/8” shim, then a 1” overlay of Type IV – 50 Blow Marshall Bituminous Concrete Pavement was placed using 1,000 pounds of FORTA-FI at one pound of fiber per ton of asphalt followed by equivalent paving using non-fiber reinforced asphalt as a comparison.  VTrans will be studying the performance of this road over the next several years.  

Project Details:
Project Owner: VTrans (State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation)
Tonnage: 1,000
Engineer/Specifier: VTrans
Asphalt Contractor: Frank W. Whitcomb
Owner Type: DOT
Type of mix:Dense grade
Project type:Overlay
Reason for use:Extend life of pavement, reduce reflective cracking, reduce rutting
Type of plant and how fiber was added:batch plant, manually added
Fiber used:WMA
Replacement for:none

For more information, please visit:

Monday, July 14, 2014

Venago Regional Airport Roadway

The Venango Regional Airport in Franklin, PA paved a portion of Airport Road in August 2012.  400 tons of FORTA-FI® HMA was place on Airport Road, the entrance to the Venango Regional Airport from Pittsburgh Road.  3/4" FORTA-FI® HMA fibers were introduced through one pound bags at the Dunbar Batch Plant and was used in both the leveling and wearing courses of the roadway.

Project Details:
Owner: Venango Regional Airport
Tonnage: 400
Engineer/Specifier: Venango Regional Airport/Penn DOT District 1-0
Asphalt Contractor: East Coast Paving
Type of mix: Intermediate/Leveling Course, Wearing Course, 15%
Project Type: Full Depth Project
Reason for use: Increase longevity, reduce rutting, reduce cracking, reduce raveling
Fiber used: FORTA-FI® HMA

For more information, please visit: